Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 “Teachings from the “Inside” of Ruins”

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Department of Interior Architecture Res. Asst. Başak Lale took part in the "Zero Waste Approach in Design Education Training Workshop" as the workshop coordinator.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF) Department of Interior Architecture Res. Asst. Başak Lale took part in the "Zero Waste Approach in Design Education Training Workshop IV" as the coordinator of the workshop titled "Teachings for the Future from the 'Inside' of Ruins". The event took place online on the Zoom Platform between 13.00 and 16.00 on May 2, 2023.

The workshop, organized by the Hacettepe University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, was held to make the zero-waste logic widespread in the discipline of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and make it a priority approach that is among the basic criteria. The main theme of the event was the 'Debris Management' principle. Debris formed after natural disasters, types of debris, removal of traces of debris and all kinds of social and vital residues, reduction of debris, minimization of debris, environmental impacts, recycling, upcycling, digital wastes, and similar issues are the priority topics to be addressed within the scope of the workshop. included in the titles. In the workshop, it was aimed to address the zero waste approach with an interdisciplinary approach within the frameworks of 'Recycling' and 'Upcycling' and to identify new approaches that will allow this subject to be included in the education programs in the future.

Reading the February 6th Kahramanmaraş Earthquake in terms of interior architecture

The workshop, which was conducted by Res. Asst. Başak Lale and Lecturer Kerem Yükseloğlu within the framework of the determined targets, aimed to read the "February 6" earthquake, which has not been a sufficient subject for studies in the field of interior architecture, in terms of interior architecture, and especially read Turkey, which is almost entirely a natural disaster and especially an "earthquake" region. It also aims to make suggestions about what changes can be made in certain design habits starting from education. For this purpose, photographs of certain ruins, selected by the coordinators and analyzed during the workshop, were sent to the interior analysis participants. Participants first identified common problems by making a data analysis on the photographs they had. He brainstormed what kind of solutions could be suggested.

The works that emerged within the workshop titled "Teachings to the Future from the 'Inside' of the Ruins" completed within the scope of the workshop, mostly focused on the "February 6th" earthquake, which has been the subject of the fields of architecture and engineering, from an interior architectural point of view. The questions asked as a result of the analysis and evaluation touched upon what aspects of the applications assumed to be both in the sector and in design education should be revised/changed. In this sense, the workshop, which allows the ruins to be used not only as debris/waste but also as a data tool, was concluded with questioning ideas about the steps that can be taken to avoid similar scenarios.

Earthquake in “Interior Architecture”

Workshop coordinator Res. Asst. Başak Lale expressed her gratitude to all the participants who enthusiastically participated in this pleasant workshop, which provides important sharing about the steps to deal with the "earthquake" issue, which is frequently on the agenda in the field of architecture and engineering, and at the same time, it is such a comprehensive learning-teaching-sharing. She conveyed her thanks to all the valuable teachers who played a role in the realization of the workshop that provided the environment.


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