Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 “Interior Architecture Talks 15: Meeting Our Graduates!” Panel Event Held

“Interior Architecture Talks 15: Meeting Our Graduates!” The panel organized by Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture, and Environmental Design (Tr&Eng) Departments, was held online via Google Meet.
Organized by Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Tr&Eng) Departments, “Interior Architecture Talks 15: Meeting Our Graduates!”  The panel was held online at 11:00 am on Tuesday, March 21 via Google Meet. For the students of the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Tr&Eng) and Interior Architecture Departments, the event aims to bring the students together with our graduates who are actively working in the sector and to enable the graduates to share their business life experiences with the students. Our graduates who participated as guest speakers are Ruken Güngör, Berkay Şahin, and ve Koray Alp Kaleli. In the panel moderated by İbrahim Erol, our graduates shared about the processes they went through after their undergraduate life, the situations they experienced at the point of entering business life, and the situations they encountered in business life.

“To advance in the sector, you need to constantly improve yourself and be curious.”

While the guests made suggestions to the students in line with their experiences, they emphasized that they should constantly improve themselves to advance in the sector and have a good place and that they should do research by being curious for this purpose. The event, which attracted great interest with the participation of approximately 160 students and the academic staff of the department, was finally completed with questions and opinions. At the event, the students stated that they gained very useful information about business life and the sector, and they thanked the academic staff of the department for such an event.


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