Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 “Good” (İyi) Film in the Festival Selection!

“Good”, a short film project shot by the third year students of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department, was included in the selections of three festivals.
Kayra Öcal, a third year student at the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, who started his festival journey with the short film project "Good", which deals with the unresponsiveness of individuals to issues of large and small sizes that have spread into daily life, shared with us the journey of the film. In this context, Öcal shared his views on many issues from the preparation of the script to the editing phase, from the filming location to the post-production process and the festival journey.

The Script Process is Very Important

Expressing that he wants to make an experimental film, Öcal stated that he attaches great importance to the scripting process so that everything he envisions reaches the audience in a complete manner. He drew attention to the difficulties encountered during the reflection of the thoughts in the mind to reality, saying, “The script process took a little longer, because everything in our heads had to be reflected to the audience”. Stating that the world is now heading in a bad direction, Öcal emphasized that people get into a habit in the face of this bad trend. Emphasizing that the script proceeds through the thought in question, he said that it presents an inquiry into the type of person who lives only by seeing it on the screen and remains unresponsive unless it happens to him.

Istanbul Gelisim University for Filming

The campus of Istanbul Gelişim University was used for the film, which took one day to shoot. Öcal underlined that free time was also reserved for shooting for the shooting phase of the film, the editing of which was also completed within the same period. Stating that the special shots were difficult, he said that there was no cut in the film, "When there was a situation that we did not want to happen, we had to reshoot every stage. Despite this difficulty, the reason why I wanted one shot and one angle was that it would require more attention so we would shoot until everything was perfect, and that was it.”

Continuing to Focus on Social Problems and Individual Emotional States

Saying that one of the most challenging processes of the film was to collect the news and make a special sound montage, Öcal emphasized the importance of the blurred news image and sound in the background. Stating that it is not difficult to find pessimistic news from the world and Turkey, he stated that they went to sift through the news and that they would continue to focus on social problems and individual moods in the future.

Support from Department Lecturers

Underlining that they have achieved three selections and one quarter-finalist despite the fact that the festival period is only two weeks, Öcal said that they received support from the department lecturers during the post-production and festival journey.

“Good” continues its successful festival journey after winning Lift-off Filmmaker Sessions, First-Time Filmmaker Sessions and Scout Film Festival Emerging Filmmakers Grant. We congratulate all our students who took part in the film crew and contributed to the film, and wish them continued success.


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