Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 “Final Jury Excitement at Summer School Studios!”

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Departments Summer Term project final juries took place on Friday, September 2, 2022 at Gelişim Tower 14th Floor Design Studio.
The final products of the Interior Architecture and Interior Architecture Environmental Design Departments Summer School studio courses, whose midterm juries were held in the past weeks, were presented to the final jury. One of the faculty members of the department, Lect. Minel Kurtuluş, Lect. Esra Büyükemir Karagöz, Lect. İbrahim Erol and Res. Ass. Başak Lale attended. One of the courses held by the final jury, the director of the Design Studio V course was Lect. İbrahim Erol is responsible for the Design Studio IV course, while Lect. Aslı Kırbaş took the responsibility.
In both studios, students took care to apply their designs to different concepts in the best way, based on a specific plan given to them. While the students taking the Design Studio IV course designed the two-story building in addition to the basement, following their concepts, the students of the Design Studio V course; aimed to present the most suitable solution for their concept of a structure whose location is determined and whose plan and section bases are fixed. The presentations of both studio courses included the concept, “mood board” and material sheets, which included the starting point and references of the students' projects. Within the scope of the final jury, critical and alternative correction suggestions were given to the students by the faculty members about the detailed corrections of the projects they would add to their portfolios. Taking part in the final juries of Design Studio V and Design Studio IV as a jury member, Lecturer Minel Kurtuluş expressed her views on the end products of summer studios as follows:
“We spent a productive summer school period during the summer term, and as Istanbul Gelisim University Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Environmental Design departments, we held the final juries of Design Studio IV and Design Studio V on September 2, 2022. We were happy to see that our students are making firm steps towards graduation. I send my love to all our students and wish them success in their lives. I would like to thank project coordinator lecturers Lecturer İbrahim Erol and Lecturer Aslı Kırbaş for their efforts.”
We congratulate our students for the meticulous products of a period that has been completed efficiently, and we would like to thank their studio project coordinators Lecturer İbrahim Erol and Lecturer Aslı Kırbaş for her efforts.


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