Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 What You Need to Know About the Process of Preparing and Submitting Internship Reports!

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Radio Television and Cinema, has compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about the process of preparing and submitting internship reports for the students.
Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Radio Television and Cinema, students encounter their first career path when they start their summer internships in their second and third years. Information answering the most commonly asked questions about the process of preparing and submitting internship reports has been compiled under the following headings:


Key points to consider when filling out the mandatory summer internship report:

  • Firstly, you can download the internship report from this link. When you click on the link, click on the "Mandatory Summer Internship Report" section. (link: https://oidb.gelisim.edu.tr/sayfa/staj)
  • The internship report can be filled out by hand or digitally on a computer. If filling out by hand, use a "blue pen/fountain pen."
  • When filling out the student's information on the first page of the internship file, indicate the class in which you are completing your internship during the summer semester. The address and contact information of the workplace should be complete.
  • The information in the "Document Approver" section on the "Record Sheet" page should be filled out by the authorized personnel at the internship location, including name, position, date, signature, and stamp.
  • When filling out the "Record Sheet," if you are doing your first internship, mark the 1st Group Internship box, and if you are doing your second internship, mark the 2nd Group Internship box.
  • Actions performed each working day should be explained in at least one paragraph.
  • Formal expressions and sentences should be used in writing.
  • Passive voice should be preferred in sentences. For example, phrases like "has been done," "has been carried out."
  • Avoid using first person singular suffixes like "I did," "I performed" in sentences.
  • Visuals that support the explanations should be adequate and placed immediately following the relevant day.
  • Visuals can be pasted or stapled into the internship report (do not use paperclips or attachments to attach documents/photos to the pages to prevent the possibility of loss).
  • If there are digital images or files, they can be loaded onto a CD and stapled to the inside of the back cover of the internship report.
  • The "Intern Student Attendance Tracking Chart" on the last page of the internship report must be filled out in accordance with the dates in the internship report. Do not cross out days or make corrections on this page. If a mistake is made, fill out the page again from the beginning. There should be a signature and stamp at the bottom of the page.
  • Each workday should have the approval of the responsible person from the internship on the last page and the intern student attendance tracking chart.
  • The internship report should be printed and bound using one of three methods: spiral-bound, hardcover, or stitched. Other methods such as transparent folders or paperclips are not accepted.
  • There should be no documents jammed, protruding from, or falling out of the report. The report should be organized and tidy when submitted.

  • The internship report should be submitted to the Faculty Academic Staff, Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci, or Res. Asst. Okan Kırbacı within 1 month after the end date of the internship period.
  • The report can be submitted personally or through a close associate.
  • Students sending their report through a close associate should inform the department's research assistants of the name and surname of the person who will deliver the report via email.


The internship commission meets every two weeks to review the reports submitted by students.

If any item in the IGU Internship Directive is not met or if the internship commission finds deficiencies, the internship report will not be accepted. The internship commission has the right to interview the student with a deficient report and ask questions about the content of the report. Deficiencies found will be communicated to the student by the internship commission within 1 month at the latest. The student has a maximum of 10 working days to complete the missing parts and submit the updated internship report. If the internship report is not accepted, the student can retrieve the report.

If all the articles in the IGU Internship Directive or the are met and approved by the internship commission, the internship report will be accepted. Internship reports approved by the internship commission must be submitted to the IGU Student Affairs Directorate by the end of the semester following the internship at the latest.

Students who will be doing internships must read the internship directive, be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Click here to access the internship directive.


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