Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 We Talked with Nouran Aboulhassan, One of Our Students from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Eng.)!

We had an interview with Nouran Aboulhassan, our 2nd year student at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English), on university, interior architecture and future plans.
1. Hello Nouran, first of all, can you tell us a little about yourself, your previous education, and your interest in interior architecture? 

Hello, I am 20 years old and I am from Egypt. My interest in interior architecture started when I was in high school, which I attended here in Türkiye. We got to choose which department/class to study in for our 11th and 12th grades, and I chose Language class, which was opened specifically for us. Since the language class was a new thing for our school, they let me and some of my friends decorate and paint our class to make it unique. About that time, my interest in interior architecture started growing, which resulted in me improving and changing my environment and living spaces at home as well.
2. You continued your courses with distance education last semester. How did this process go for you? Can you talk about the differences between distance and face-to-face education and its effects on the lessons? 

It was hard to focus on lessons when they were online since we could easily get distracted by anything around us. On the other hand, when it is face-to-face, we are kind of forced to focus only on the lesson since there isn’t anything else to get distracted by. But of course, both situations have advantages and disadvantages.
3. There are legendary names who have directed Interior Architecture such as Elsie de Wolfe, Albert Hadley, and Dorothy Draper. Who are the famous names in this field that you take as an example or are influenced by their works? 

I admire Ray and Charles Eames for their unique influence on interior architecture, seamlessly blending art and function. Their iconic furniture designs, focus on accessible design, and innovative materials distinguish them. Their legacy is defined by the creation of spaces that seamlessly combine form and function, leaving a lasting mark on modern interior architecture.

4. Today, the environment we live in gains importance as a result of the crowding of cities and factors that require us to be isolated, such as pandemics. As a result, the importance of interior architecture is increasing day by day. What are your thoughts on interior architecture? 
Some people think that an environment affects our work, mental and physical health, happiness, etc. He still doesn't fully understand how it might affect him. As simple as it sounds, interior architecture and design is a basic profession. Unfortunately, it still has not achieved the value it deserves. But now that I'm learning more about how they can impact a space, I think they're getting more attention and acceptance from the community.
5. What are your plans and wishes for the future? 

I am truly looking forward to improving myself as an interior architect, doing the best I can, and making a name for myself. As an interior architecture student, my plans and wishes revolve around becoming a skilled and well-known interior architect. I want to continue learning and keep up with the latest trends and technologies, intending to experiment with various design styles while trying my best to focus on sustainability and eco-friendly materials. I would like to work with experts from a variety of fields since it will ensure that my projects are balanced. Drawing inspiration from different cultures will help me become more creative, and I hope to establish a solid reputation as a respected interior architect. Giving back to the community and supporting charitable projects are also important to me in the future. I'll work on expanding my business knowledge, looking forward to the journey ahead, and making a positive impact as an interior architect.
We thank our student Nouran Aboulhassan for this interview and wish her success in her education and professional life.


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