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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Two More Works of Prof. İsmet Çavuşoğlu Included in the Collection of Nikola Marinov Art Gallery!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Graphic Design Department Lecturer Prof. İsmet Çavuşoğlu's 'Pulse of the City' and 'New York' works have been included in the collection of Nikola Marinov Art Gallery located in Targoviste (Old Friday) city of Bulgaria!
Nikola Marinov Art Gallery continues to host the works of many different artists from around the world. In May and June, a solo exhibition of İsmet Çavuşoğlu's works met with art lovers at the gallery located in the Bulgarian city of Targovishte (Old Friday). The exhibition, which was opened by the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Party Chairs, Museum Director, Shumen University rector and professors, faculty members of Veliko Tarnovo University, painters and members of the press, was met with great interest from art lovers and students. The exhibition remained open for forty-five days, creating a major event for the city of Targovishte (Old Friday).

The Number of Artworks in the Collection of Nikola Marinov Art Gallery is 15!

It is known that İsmet Çavuşoğlu has thirteen works that were previously purchased by the Nikola Marinov Art Gallery. This number rose to fifteen with the addition of two more works to the collection, named 'The Pulse of the City' and 'New York'. Çavuşoğlu stated that the birthplace of Tırgovişte (Old Friday) had an impact on the appreciation of his works, and emphasized that factors such as geography, culture and education level had an impact on the works produced by the artists. Çavuşoğlu stated that art lovers in that region felt the cultural affinity in his works and that his works were both considered modern and admired by art lovers.

İsmet Çav. 1

One Warm One Cold Harmony

Speaking about his newly added works to the collection, Çavuşoğlu stated that one of the two works was produced in warm harmony and the other in cold harmony, with the logic of abstraction in these. While it was seen that the works on vertical structuring in metropolises were met with great interest, Çavuşoğlu's painting New York was included in the permanent exposition of the gallery after the end of the solo exhibition. The work, which was placed in the sixth place among hundreds of paintings, became a source of great pride.
Click here to access the works of the Nikola Marinov Art Gallery.

İsmet Çav. 2


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