Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Translated into Turkish in its 99th Anniversary!

The book "Crystallizing Public Opinion" by Edward Bernays, which is considered a cult book for the field of Public Relations, has been translated into Turkish for the first time. Ayten Bengisu Cansever, Research Assistant at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Communication and Design, took part in the book as a interpreter-writer.
Ayten Bengisu Cansever, Research Assistant at Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Communication and Design, took part in the translation of the book “Crystallizing Public Opinion” written by Edward Bernays, a cult work in the field of public relations and considered the “father of public relations”. This work, which includes Research Assistant Ayten Bengisu Cansever as a interpreter-writer, was translated into Turkish for the first time. This book of Bernays, which will be published under the name of “Crystallizing Public Opinion” will be published by Doruk Publications in the coming months.

The work, which includes many titles and sub-titles from the scope and function of public relations to the concepts of group and herd, from technique and method to ethical relations, was edited by Prof. Dr. Mine Demirtas took over. The translation team of the book includes names such as Ayten Bengisu Cansever, Cem Yener, Erman Işık, Feyza Yurtekin, Firuze Selen Çağlar, Orhun Doğuş Yılmaz, Kardelen Niklasson and Gülçin Eren.

“We Are Making Plans for Translating Other Works into Turkish”

Ayten Bengisu Cansever, who contributed to the book work as a translator, expressed her views on the subject as follows:
Public Relations and Publicity is a branch of science that I have studied both in undergraduate, graduate and doctorate. I can say that it is very important to translate this cult book of Edward Bernays, who is constantly mentioned in lectures, who always applies the first examples of public relations and even described as the founding name of public relations, into Turkish. Because I believe in the necessity of understanding the public relations profession and the scope, function and ethical values ​​of this profession from Bernays' own pen. In the work, I translated the section titled “Outlines of Applicable Methods for Changing a Group's Perspective”. However, we took care that all translations were in a semantic integrity and not detached from the context that Bernays mentioned. I believe that we translated Bernays's work very successfully with the team, with whom we translated selected works of Herbert Mead, the founder of Symbolic Interactionism, into Turkish for the first time. In addition, together with our team, we are making plans for the translation of other important works into Turkish in the future.
We congratulate Research Assistant Ayten Bengisu Cansever and wish her continued work.


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