Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 The Stars of the Cinema Industry Met at the Spectacular Gala Night of the TAYF International Short Film Festival!

The Gala Night of the TAYF International Short Film Festival, organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), was held at the Four Seasons Hotel on Sunday, February 27.
Gala Night of TAYF International Short Film Festival, organized for the first time between 24-26 February 2022 by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) with the contributions of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of Cinema, 27 February 2022 Sunday It was hosted by the Four Seasons Hotel.

IGU Faculty of Fine Arts Dean Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp was the head of the festival, while the festival was conducted by Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, and Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç from the Department of Communication and Design. Aiming to encourage short film creators and to increase the visibility of short films, which are the cornerstones of the art of cinema, the festival's grandiose gala night brought together valuable names from the cinema industry.

The gala night started after the cocktail in the Atik Pasha Foyer Area, accompanied by the "Timeless Selection Exhibition" of İsmail Acar, one of the most important names of contemporary Turkish painting, who has participated in over 200 solo and group exhibitions and is the winner of numerous awards. Before the award ceremony, Istanbul Gelişim University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Abdülkadir Gayretli, Festival President and IGU Faculty of Fine Arts Dean Prof. Dr. Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp and TAYF International Short Film Festival Jury President, Member of the Advisory Board and also the Chairman of the TÜRSAK Foundation Board of Directors, Mr. Cemal Okan made the opening speeches.

The award ceremony of the festival, which received 3227 applications from a total of 107 countries, from Italy to France, from India to Iran, started after the delightful performance of the successful and popular jazz musician İpek Dinç Trio. Twelve awards in four categories, namely "Fiction", "Documentary", "Animation" and "Experimental" were awarded to their owners, while a film determined by the festival jury was presented with the Digital Film Academy Special Award.

In addition to the film awards, the TAYF International Short Film Festival Honorary Award was presented to Hülya Koçyiğit, the master actress of Turkish Cinema.

In addition, valuable names such as Cemal Okan, Şeyda Toprak, Mustafa Karadeniz, Uğur İçbak from the Advisory Board, Bade İşil and Gizem Pamukçu from the Main Jury Board were presented with their plaques by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Gelişim University, Mr. Abdülkadir Gayretli.

As Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Fine Arts, we would like to thank once again all our supporters who did not leave us alone in this glorious night and contributed to our festival at many different points.

TAYF International Short Film Festival Award Winning Films:

Fiction Category Awards

1)The Bathtub
2) The Fourth Wall
3)Feeling Through

Documentary Category Awards
1) Ballada for Galilei
2) Dull Glances
3)My Dad, Camera and I
Experimental Category Awards
1) Squared
Animation Category Awards
1) Daylight
2)The Seine's Tears
3) Kauai
Digital Film Academy Award


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