Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 The Book Chapter by Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu and Res. Asst. Demet Güner Has Been Published!

The book chapter titled "IoT-Focused Developments in the Food & Beverage Industry" by Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, one of the faculty members of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, has been published.
The book chapter titled "IoT-Focused Developments in the Food & Beverage Industry" by Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, one of the faculty members of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, has been published.

The chapter titled "IoT-Focused Developments in the Food & Beverage Industry", written by Çirişoğlu together with Kastamonu University, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Research Assistant Demet Güner was published in the book of Future Tourism Trends Volume 2: Technology Advancement, Trends and Innovations for The Future in Tourism.

The book was edited by Canan Tanrısever from Kastamonu University, Hüseyin Pamukçu from Afyon Kocatepe University, and Anukrati Sharma from Kota University in India, and consists of 12 parts;
  • Artificial Intelligence in Tourism,
  • Internet of Things, 
  • Robots, Chatbots & Automation, 
  • The New E-Tourism Models,
  • Reality Technologies,
  • Virtual Reality: New Experiences, Voice Control And Voice Searching: More Trusted Tool in The Future,
  • New Techs in Gastronomy,
  • Solo Travellers,
  • Panks & Punks,
  • Sustainable Tourism,
  • Women Travellers: A Base For Gender Equality
The book contains information about the field of gastronomy; Perceptions of Gastronomy & Culinary Arts Department Students Towards 3D Foods, New Techs and Trends in Gastronomy, Reality Technologies (AR, VR, MR, XR) in Tourism, An Assessment of Impacts and Challenges of Smart Mobilities in Tourism Destinations, Service Robots in The There are section titles such as Gastronomy Industrym.

In the book published on February 1, 2024, the chapter titled "IoT-Focused Developments in the Food & Beverage Industry," authored by Güner and Çirişoğlu, presents a systematic literature review focused on "Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns," one of UNESCO's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The study investigates how waste generated during food production and supply chain activities can be reduced with IoT-based technologies, in alignment with this goal. One of the key questions addressed in the study is the effectiveness of IoT-based technologies in sustainable food production. The content of the book chapter includes topics such as the relationship between sustainability and IoT technologies, and the use of IoT technologies in the supply process of food and within the food and beverage industry.

Click on the link to examine the book and its contents in detail.

We congratulate Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu and wish her continued success.


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