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 Students of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Answer!

Research Assistant Mustafa Dallı from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) conducted an interview with international students Nouran Abdulhassan (Egypt, Freshman) and Fidaa Salih (Sudan, Freshman).
Research Assistant Mustafa Dallı from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English)  conducted an interview with international students Nouran Abdulhassan (Egypt, Freshman) and Fidaa Salih (Sudan, Freshman). You may read the interview down below:

Nouran Abdulhassan (Freshman)
  • First of all, where are you from? And how long have you been in Turkey?
I am from Egypt and I have been living in Turkey for 6 years.
  • What were your reasons for choosing this department?
I’ve always enjoyed decorating my room and designing different decoration items. So, I figured I would enjoy this department as well.
  • Why did you choose Istanbul Gelişim University for Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Education?
There are 2 reasons;
Firstly, my older sister is also studying at İGU and she didn’t say something bad about it when I was applying. So, it was a safe choice.
Secondly, all the other universities that provided this department in 100% English were all far away where I would’ve lost half of my day by going and returning from the university. On the other hand, İGÜ was close.
  • Why did you choose to study Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in Turkey?
It’s a safe country where I can go out of my house and return safely.
  • In which fields do you want to work when you graduate from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design? What are your future plans?
I want to work as an interior designer.
As a future plan, since my brother is a Civil Engineer, my sister is an architect and I am going to be an interior designer/architect, maybe creating a company where we could gather our work and make great projects.

Fidaa Salih (Freshman)
  • First of all, where are you from? And how long have you been in Turkey?
    I am from Sudan, and I’ve been about 4 months in Turkey.
  • What were your reasons for choosing this department?
Because it depends entirely on innovation and creative skills, and every student in this department can leave their own imprint.
  • Why did you choose Istanbul Gelişim University for Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Education?
Because it’s one of the best private Turkish universities in this department.
  • Why did you choose to study Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in Turkey?
First of all, Turkey is a beautiful country I always wanted to visit. Also Turkey is distinguished in architecture and interior design, as it famous for its archaeological and cultural places.
  • In which fields do you want to work when you graduate from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design? What are your future plans?
Actually, I wanted to become an architect before joining this department, so I’m thinking of working in architectural offices. Then maybe opening my own.


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