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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Selçuk Ayer Attended Fusion Cuisine Class as Guest Chef!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Fine Arts Faculty (FAF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department students met with chef Selçuk Ayer. Selçuk Ayer, Executive Chief of Six Senses Hotel, shared his industry experience with the students.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Fine Arts Faculty (FAF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department students met with chef Selçuk Ayer. Selçuk Ayer, Executive Chief of Six Senses Hotel, shared his industry experience with the students.

Selçuk Ayer attended Lecturer Çağkan Güner's Fusion Cuisine course as a guest chef at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department. On October 25, within the scope of the "GMS424 Fusion Cuisine" course, Six Senses Hotel's Executive Chef Selçuk Ayer shared valuable sector knowledge with our 3rd and 4th grade students and made application examples. At the meeting, where recipes such as Alaskan loaf, lamb chops and baby squid were sampled, the tricks of the related dishes were conveyed to the students. Ayer interactively prepared examples of fusion dishes such as “Alaska Salmon with chestnut puree and Tepenade sauce, Basmati rice stewed in saffron milk, Thracian lamb chops with roquefort sauce, and baby squid with buttered bread crumbs and Malkara pepper puree”.

Within the scope of exemplary applications, Alaska salmon sealed in a hot pan, beet puree cooked in carrot juice, tender carrots with olive oil, chestnut puree with tiflipasa tahini, olive Tepenade sauce; For lamb chops, ingredients such as Thracian lamb chops, basmati rice brewed with saffron milk, baby carrots with honey, sorrel and roquefort sauce were used. For baby squid, baby squid, malkara pepper puree, bread crumbs and pickle cream were used.

Fusion cuisine covers culinary practices where different techniques are served together in a single dish. In fusion applications where different cooking techniques and products from different countries' cuisines are used, the food culture of a single country does not come to the fore on the plate. The culinary understanding in question, which is the source of the word fusion, which can be defined as fusion in the literal sense, is based on the combination of different flavors from different geographies and creating a new flavor.

We would like to thank Chief Selçuk Ayer for being the guest of our department class and sharing his valuable experiences with our students, and Lecturer Çağkan Güner for hosting our chief.


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