Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 RTC Took Part in Open Days Events!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Radio, Television and Cinema took part as a full staff in the Open Days events organized at the faculty.
During the Open Days events organized for high school students by the Faculty of Fine Arts, faculty members from the Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema conducted workshops while students took on roles in the filming and organization teams.

Buse Namlı, a third-year student, and Arda Yeniköylüoğlu, a second-year student, accompanied the students and teachers from Bahçelievler Aydın Doğan Anatolian Technical High School throughout the day, introducing them to the university and the faculty.

Orhan Kerem Kartal, another second-year student from the department, spoke to the high school students during the Campus Stories session, explaining the department and its facilities.

Research Assistant Okan Kırbacı directed the high school students to the experience area where the equipment was set up and conducted a mini workshop on filming techniques.

Department Head Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan shared the intricacies of creating a story and writing a screenplay with the high school students in his workshop titled “If I Wrote About My Experiences, It Would Be a Movie!”

Research Assistant Eda Türkay organized the filming team for the Open Days events and the Gastronomy Festival happening on the same day at the faculty and supervised the activities throughout the day. Third-year students İlayda Bolat and Melek Kardelen Alim followed the Gastronomy Festival, while Deniz Doğan tracked the Open Days events.

Second-year students Kerem Gökay and Melis Çevik monitored the film screenings held in the pocket cinema.

During the Masters Events: Ercan Kesal event, which also saw student participation, Film Design Club President Hilal Tatar and club members Sümeyye Özyurt and Zerin Hökenek played active roles.

We thank our students and academics for their efforts.


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