Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 RTC Hosted Ercan Kesal at the Masters Event!

Famous actor and director Ercan Kesal was the guest of Masters, one of the event series of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Radio, Television and Cinema.
The Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema hosted the famous actor and director Ercan Kesal in its event series, Masters, which brings experienced industry professionals together with students. The event, moderated by the Department head, Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, garnered significant interest.

Ercan Kesal discussed the differences and connections between short films and feature films, sharing his own educational background and industry experience with the participants. He emphasized that he reads a lot, watches a lot, and researches extensively. Kesal advised students that the path to becoming a good director or screenwriter involves a lot of reading and watching, encouraging them to develop themselves at every opportunity.

The event, which took place within the scope of the Open Days activities at the Faculty of Fine Arts, also saw high school students visiting the university participate with great interest. The session continued in a Q&A format, where students had the chance to ask Ercan Kesal questions about what it takes to become a good actor, how to present their scripts to producers, and whether there is a risk of their stories being stolen. Kesal answered each question meticulously and carefully, and the event, which took place in a pleasant atmosphere, concluded with the presentation of a plaque.

We extend our gratitude to Dear Ercan Kesal and everyone who participated in the event.

Events Continue

The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema activities continue throughout the semester. You can follow the event announcements of Masters and Wednesday Workshops on the official Instagram accounts of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema.


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