Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu Made Her Thesis Defense!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture Department Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu's master's thesis titled "Pop-Up as a Design Strategy and Its Spatial Applications" was evaluated by the thesis jury.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture Department Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu's master's thesis titled "Pop-Up as a Design Strategy and Its Spatial Applications" was evaluated by the thesis jury.

Assoc. Prof. Özge Kandemir supervised the thesis work of Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu, which she completed at Eskişehir Anadolu University, Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture. She completed his thesis titled "Pop-Up as a Design Strategy and Its Spatial Applications", which covers the concept of pop-up, its historical process and spatial applications.

The jury, which took place online on the Mergen platform on February 2, 2022 at 10:00, was attended by the jurors who consisted of Eskişehir Technical University Interior Architecture Department Head Prof. Dr. Buğru Han Burak Kaptan, Eskişehir Technical University Faculty Member Assoc. Özge Kandemir and Istanbul Gelisim University Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department Lecturer Assist. Ilayda Cetin.

The jury started with Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu's presentation of the thesis. After the thesis presentation, the members of the jury conveyed their suggestions and criticisms as well as discussing among themselves to make the final decision. As a result of the meeting, one of the jury members Prof. Dr. Buğru Han Burak Kaptan announced that the thesis study was unanimously successful.

Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu's views on the subject are as follows:

“Within the scope of my thesis work, the concept of Pop-up, which has become the cultural expression of today's society, has been supported by examples of spatial applications revealed in commercial buildings, cultural structures and public spaces by examining its effects on design areas and space design. During my thesis process, together with my advisor, Assoc. Prof. Özge Kandemir, we conducted intensive studies face-to-face and online. First of all, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Assoc. Prof. Özge Kandemir, for her support and I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Buğru Han to Burak Kaptan and Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin dedication in this process.”

We congratulate Research Assistant Eliz Mutlu and wish her continued success.


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