Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı's Article Published in Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research!

Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı's article titled "The Digital Nature of Gothic - Lars Spuybroek & John Ruskin" was published in the Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research.
The article titled “The Digital Nature of Gothic - Lars Spuybroek & John Ruskin” by Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı, at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) published in Journal of Design, Planning and  Aesthetics Research (DEPARCH). Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research, which started its publication life in 2022 and is published twice a year, explores the aesthetics of design, architecture and planning for all aspects of the built and natural environment. This includes architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, spatial design, virtual reality, design technology, urban planning, sustainable cities, architectural engineering, and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research. The Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research encompasses research, practice and education that seeks to develop theoretical and methodological innovations that explore a wide variety of aspects of environmental aesthetics. Applications may include theoretical discussions, methodological developments, as well as empirical studies and applications of the built environment.

Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı shared his views on his article as follows:

"Gothic architecture is a movement that has influenced world architecture, including today's architecture, since its active period. Although it is known for some of its features such as flying buttresses, pointed arches and vaults, John Ruskin examined the characteristics of Gothic architecture except from its physical features and examined it under 6 main headings. Lars Spuybroek, the founder of Nox Architects, one of the names that come to mind when talking about digital architecture today, described these characteristics of Ruskin as the "digital nature of Gothic". He examined 3 of these 6 characteristics and analyzed them in the chapter titled with "The Digital Nature of Gothic" in his book "The Sympathy of Things: Ruskin and the Ecology of Design". In this study, based on the work of Spuybroek, his work with Nox Architects, the debates on beauty and elegance he encountered in his journey to the nature of Gothic, and why he named gothic architecture digitally were examined and some discussions were made on this subject."

The article tag is as follows:

Dalli, M., Soyluk, A., (2022). “The Digital Nature of Gothic - Lars Spuybroek & John Ruskin”, Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research, 1(1):55-64.
Click here to read the full text of the article.


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