Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

  Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu Gave an Interview to Milliyet!

Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu from Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Fine Arts Faculty (FAF) Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department spoke to Milliyet about hand taste and taste perception.
Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu from Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Fine Arts Faculty (FAF) Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department spoke to Milliyet about hand taste and taste perception.

Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Gelisim University, Fine Arts Faculty, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, touched upon the secret of 'hand taste'.

Although many people call the secret of their mothers' delicious meals 'mother's hand', in fact, this taste is not only related to the mother's hand. According to Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, everyone's perception of taste is different. What influences this perception is the past and habits.

Res. Asst. Emel Cirişoglu:

“Actually, we can say that every mother's hand and the dishes she cooks are wonderful for her own family. Because the perception of taste and taste is formed in the brain. There are many factors that affect the perception of taste formed here, and one of them is our previous experiences. Food that we perceive as magnificent actually shapes our perception of taste as a result of our experiences. Thus, the more we contribute to the development of our taste buds when we try different flavors, the more we shape our perception of taste in direct proportion to the environment we live in, the food products we frequently consume, and the nutritional preferences of our family in which we were born and raised.”


Lactobacillus bacteria, which are found in different types and numbers in each hand, also affect the taste of the hand. Underlining that making a delicious meal depends not only on the taste of the hand, but also on the recipe used, Çirişoğlu explained the experimental research conducted in Belgium with the participation of 18 bakers from 14 countries, proving where the hand taste comes from:

“In the study, 18 bakers were asked to make sourdough bread with the same recipe, and different results were obtained. It was understood by the examination of the samples taken that the bacteria and yeasts in the sourdough were also in the hands of the bakers. Thus, it can be said that lactic acid bacteria, other bacteria and yeasts in various types and numbers produce different kinds of flavors. From this point of view, I can say that thanks to the diversity of the human microbiota, the different types and numbers of bacteria that we have in our hands create different effects on the food we make and affect the resulting flavor. This is what we call hand delicacy."

Res. Asst.  Çirişoğlu pointed out that the elements that will affect the taste of the food are the whole of the hand taste, “In other words, the dimensions of the products used with hand flavor, the tricks of the product to be made, ambient conditions such as heat and temperature, cooking conditions, material quality… These are all in fact a whole. While making a meal, sticking to the recipe and not going beyond the measures contribute to preparing meals with the same taste, but the tricks convey to us the finer details that affect the taste”.


Res. Asst. Çirişoğlu expressed our taste perception process as follows:

"The fact that we find a food delicious cannot be associated with the taste of the hand. Our taste perception process takes place through the senses. Here, there is a joint operation of the senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. The signals we receive from here reach the brain, allowing us to find a food tasty or unsavory. At this point, the presentation of the food on the plate, the texture of the food, the aroma and the smell of the spices affect our perception of taste even before we taste it.”

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