Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Res. Asst. Ceren İren Successfully Completed Her Thesis Monitoring Committee

Ceren İren, one of the esteemed research assistants of the Department of Graphic Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA) at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), successfully completed her thesis monitoring committee.

Ceren İren successfully passed the final stage of the Proficiency in Art Program's Monitoring Committee at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Basic Education Department and is now waiting for her defense date. Completing the thesis monitoring process successfully, Ceren İren has taken another significant step in her academic career. With her upcoming defense at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, she aims to earn the title of Proficiency in Art, once again proving her competence in the field of art.

As the Faculty of Fine Arts, we congratulate our esteemed Research Assistant Ceren İren and wish her success in the defense process.


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