Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Res. Asst. Başak Lale's Research Article Has Been Published in the Journal of Tasarım Kuram

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture Res. Asst. Başak Lale's Research Article titled " Spatial Formation of Modern Ideology: Ankara Casinos Between 1923 and 1960"
Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture Res. Asst. Başak Lale's article titled “The Spatial Formation of Modern Ideology: Ankara Casinos Between 1923-60” was published in the Journal of Tasarım Kuram. Res. Asst. Basak Lale's article, which is based on her master's thesis research that she completed in 2021, focuses on family casinos, which are places of modern life. For Ankara, which went through a radical change process after being the capital, this process proceeded not only through the production of new spaces but also through the construction of a new living style, while the family casinos in question turned into a data source worth examining with both their architectural features and the entertainment practices staged in them. In particular, the period of 1923-60, also known as the "Era of Formation", is known as the period when the modern traveler with unique aesthetics, including Marmara, Çubuk Baraj, and Göl Casinos, which are among the most important structures of architectural historiography, emerged. The study continues by analyzing the location choices of entertainment venues with a past activity history in the urban macro form, listing the family casinos among them as a result of a detailed archive search and determining them up-to-date. Then, through archival documents, the entertainment practices they found in Ankara and the entertainment understanding of cultural casinos are completed at the end of clothing-related, and in particular, formal examinations in certain casino structures.

“Architecture includes not only the space but also the life constructed in that space.”

Lale emphasizes that the research she completed includes very detailed archives and field studies and that she also obtained structures and data that have not been examined before and remained in the background of architectural historiography, she also states that reading the space only with its physical characteristics will reduce that space to an object that can be lived in and that the scenario constructed in it is of great importance. 

We would like to congratulate Res. Asst. Başak Lale, and wish success in her academic studies.
You can access Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture Res. Asst. Can Başak Lale's article named "The Spatial Formation of Modern Ideology: Ankara Casinos Between 1923-60" via the link below:

URL1: https://www.tasarimkuram.com/index.php/dtj/article/view/397/388


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