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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever Successfully Passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Department of Communication and Design Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever successfully passed the doctoral proficiency exam held at Istanbul University Faculty of Communication on December 20-21, 2022.
Continuing his doctorate education at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Relations and Publicity, Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever took the doctoral qualification exam on 20-21 December 2022. 

Ayten Bengisu Cansever, who continues her doctoral education at Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Relations and Publicity, took the doctoral qualification exam on December 20-21, 2022. In the doctoral qualification jury of Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever, whose thesis was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Nilnur Tandaçgüneş-Kahraman, a faculty member of Istanbul University Communication Faculty Public Relations Department, Istanbul University Communication Faculty Public Relations and Publicity Department Head Prof. Dr. Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk, Istanbul University Public Relations and Publicity lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem Kalan, Maltepe University Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Filiz Demir Otay and Maltepe University Communication Faculty Public Relations and Publicity Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Gürdal Ülger. Ayten Bengisu Cansever, who first took the written exam on December 20, 2022, successfully passed the doctoral qualification by taking the oral exam on December 21, 2022. At the end of the two-day process, the thesis jury announced that Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever had unanimously passed the proficiency exam.

Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever said, “I passed my PhD proficiency exam with the participation of my valuable teachers. Happy to be able to get through the last and most stressful exam of my life with the support of my family, teachers, classmates and of course my colleagues!” expressed his views.

We congratulate Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever and wish her continued success.


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