Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Reflection of Sustainability to Art!

"Sustainable Collage Workshop" was held under the direction of Lecturer Şermin Tepe, an academic staff member of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Graphic Design Department (GRA).
"Sustainable Collage Workshop" was held under the direction of Lecturer Şermin Tepe, an academic staff member of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Graphic Design Department (GRA).

Standing out with the importance it attaches to sustainability, Istanbul Gelişim University brought sustainability to art with the “Sustainable Collage Workshop”, one of the activities held within the scope of “Gelişim Workshops” organized by the Dean of Students. In the workshop conducted by Lecturer Şermin Tepe in the Dean of Students' Center on the 17th Floor of Gelişim Tower, collage works were made with the students from magazine pictures, photographs, fabrics and similar materials. In the trainings given, topics such as material use and composition design were also emphasized. Collage works, which can create original designs and artistic products in project development for the ability to research, explore and establish hand-eye coordination for daily life, were produced this time with sustainable products.

“Our Purpose Is To Use Recyclable Materials”

Lecturer Şermin Tepe stated that the use of recyclable materials can also be very effective for sustainability. Emphasizing that recyclable materials are reintroduced into art, Tepe stated that they made poster work on a two-dimensional surface with the students in the workshop. Tepe added that they use many recyclable materials while creating studies, newspapers, magazines, etc.

“Gives Aesthetic Perspective”

Stating that collage works have a great impact on the development of hand skills and creativity, Lecturer Şermin Tepe underlined that sustainability studies can be applied in the field of art as well as in every field. Emphasizing that collage works not only provide a way for people to express themselves with different objects, but also gain an aesthetic perspective, Tepe informed that some objects used in daily life can be used in collage technique without any material limit. Stating that they carried out an enjoyable, instructive and entertaining workshop with the students and produced many creative works, Lecturer Şermin Tepe added that collage works, which help the emergence of artistically different works, are also one of the most applied techniques.

We congratulate Lecturer Şermin Tepe for her workshop and wish her continued success.


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