Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Post-Production of Twelve Different Documentaries of Lecturer Ahmet Bikic Completed!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Communication and Design Department Lecturer Ahmet Bikic, among them the Documentary Lover of Love, Oktay Verel Documentary, Kalaycı Mustafa Documentary, Choir Documentary, Living Voices Documentary, The Journey of Glass Documentary, Beypazarı He completed the post-production of a total of twelve documentaries that can be listed as documentaries.
Lecturer Ahmet Bikic, Department of Communication and Design at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), completed the post-production of twelve documentary films. Within the scope of twelve different Post-production Documentary films, Bikiç conveyed the life stories of important figures to the audience in his unique style and sequences. Sometimes he talked about cities that draw attention with their natural beauties such as Hatay and Beypazarı.

Thanks to Everyone who Contributing

Lecturer Ahmet Bikic said, “These twelve documentaries are extremely important to me. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the post-production process. Documentary films, which emerged as a result of long-term research and were distributed as a result of long processes such as shooting and editing, are the state of science and art reflected on the screen. I try to shoot documentaries with a human focus”.

Twelve documentary films, the shooting and post-production of which were completed, met with the audience on the Youtube account of Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç. In this context, the documentary films were shot on twelve different subjects and their links are as follows:

Click here for Oktay Verel's Documentary, a productive writer, journalist, and lecturer full of success:

Click here for the Choir Documentary, which tells the story of people from three different monotheistic religions who live in peace, tolerance, and brotherhood on the same streets in Hatay and sing each other's hymns and songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu_uQrRmGdg

Click here for the Living Voices Documentary, shot within the scope of Adana Çukurova Cinema Workshop, jointly realized with Adana Çukurova Municipality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14bY-AivJws&t=12s

Click for Kalaycı Mustafa Documentary, which tells the life story of Kalaycı Mustafa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wEu7ko4pIs

Click here for the documentary Aşık Şefkati, in which the life of Aşık Şefkati is compiled:

Click here for the documentary The Journey of Glass, which tells the story of glass that is melted with hearts, shaped by hands, reproduced with breath, and polished with sweat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S3sjiV9IZ8&t=508s

Beypazarı, where art is embroidered into homes with all its delicacy, is also the reflection of labor and love kneaded by skillful hands. Click for the documentary in Beypazarı: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT7FxqUcVzg&t=8s

Click for Büyükaşıklar Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTB3esgQ4Ys&t=3s

Click for Zilan's Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9FFHbxjVb0&t=44s

Click for the guest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MoFqRZTJRA

Click here for the Invincible Armada Documentary, which tells the journey of the Adana Demirspor Water Polo team to success, which was founded in 1940: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytzSzuDdJlc

Click for Last Hands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C7f3snuDD4&t=15s

We congratulate Lecturer Ahmet Bikic and wish him continued success.


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