Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Peer Mentor Program Continues to Guide Students!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Department of Interior Architecture, Peer Mentor Program applications were made.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Department of Interior Architecture, Peer Mentor Program applications were made.

The peer mentor program, which was created by the Career Development Center of Istanbul Gelişim University and whose principles and objectives were determined under the coordination of the center, continues to guide students. Students who have strong communication skills, are eager to produce new ideas and projects, and can take part in team activities with their peers, will participate in the peer mentor program this year as in previous years. Students will have the opportunity to strengthen their academic and sectoral competencies and skills thanks to the training and activities to be held in the program, which aims to bring together students who are eager to improve themselves socially, who want to take part in group studies, and who can communicate with both the academy and the sector. In addition, the peer mentor program, in which the students selected from the Interior Architecture department will contribute to the development of the program with the articles they prepared, will contribute to the development of the students and their ideas, as well as the production of a developing program, thanks to its experimental operation, unlike the regular studies carried out.

We asked the opinions of Ece Yurtsever, a third year student of the Department of Interior Architecture, who applied for the program, about the importance of the program and the possible benefits it will provide to the selected students.

“The peer mentor program, which enables students to adapt to school more quickly and whose impact on their education lives in the future, is a promising project for many students. It is important to know what the right information is, why it should be accessed, and from whom the information can be obtained. The peer mentor program guides students where, when and how to look for the right information. In the future, our university may organize various activities where students can meet each other thanks to the support of clubs and social activities. In The requirements for students who want to apply to the peer mentor program for the 2021-2022 term are listed as follows:
  • Being a 2nd and 3rd year student of Istanbul Gelişim University undergraduate departments
  • Have at least 2.00 final GPA
  • Not having received a disciplinary penalty.

*Application: kariyer@gelisim.edu.tr
  • Priority will be given to students who speak a foreign language, are active in student clubs, and take an active role in projects.

We thank our students for their valuable opinions and look forward to the program's pioneering new ideas and projects both in our department and in our university.


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