Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Paper Presentation on Deepfake Technology by Research Assistant Büşra Kılıç!

Büşra Kılıç, Research Assistant at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Communication and Design, presented her paper titled "Functioning of Deepfake Technology through Hyperreality" at the 11th International Communication Congress in the New World.
In her presentation, Research Assistant Büşra Kılıç provided analyses of how deepfake technology operates in the field of hyperreality, emphasizing the potential impacts of this artificial intelligence-supported technology on communication and design.

The presentation elucidates how deepfake technology is utilized in various fields such as media, communication, and art, offering a thought-provoking framework on its societal effects. Büşra Kılıç aims to inform those interested in understanding and evaluating the current role of deepfake in the communication world.

From the abstract of the paper:

In this study, the concept of simulation by French philosopher Jean Baudrillard is associated with the artificial intelligence technology of deepfake. Baudrillard explains modern society and the perception of reality through simulation theory. According to Baudrillard, reality in modern society has detached from its essence and is now produced by simulation, an artificial reality. This simulation is so realistic that it cannot be distinguished from reality itself and has replaced reality. Baudrillard associates simulation with deception and reality, considering that reality and falsehood have become indistinguishable; hence, he chooses to narrate the new era and society through "Simulacra and Simulation." Baudrillard categorizes simulation chronologically into three types: the dominant deceit in the classical age of the Renaissance, the simulation of the current age managed by production and code in the industrial age, and the simulation of the present era controlled by production and code. According to Baudrillard, code is a system that constructs and reproduces reality. Deepfake technology, by leveraging the power of code, makes an unreal image or video highly realistic, making it challenging to distinguish from a genuine image or video. This closely relates to a situation Baudrillard describes as "hyperreality." At its core, deepfake involves falsifying or altering real human images using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Deepfake can produce fake videos, sounds, or photos, which have the potential to influence reality. Deepfake, used in media, cinema, advertising, art, and entertainment, has the potential to influence reality on a large scale through these mediums. Baudrillard's concept of code helps us understand the risks deepfake technology creates. According to Baudrillard, code can be used to control and manipulate reality. Deepfake technology can also be used for these purposes today and is a point of controversy.

Congratulations to Research Assistant Büşra Kılıç, and we wish her continued success.


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