Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Our Student Club is Waiting for its New Members!

The student club "Art and Communication Design", which was established within Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), and which is supervised by Communication and Design Department Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç and Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu, is waiting for its new members.
Under the roof of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), a student club called “Art and Communication Design” was established with the contributions of the Department of Communication and Design lecturer Ahmet Bikic and research assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu. The student club, which will continue its activities with the contributions of the Communication and Design Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, will start its activities as of November. The club is expected to carry out many activities that will be met with the interest of students in the future.

“We expect all our students to become members of the club”

Ahmet Bikiç, the supervisor of the Art and Communication Design Club, stated that he was happy to establish such a club within the university and invited all students to become members of the club and take an active role in the activities. Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu stated that the Department of Communication and Design needed to have an active club and that she was pleased with the establishment of the club with the support of Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç. In addition, Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu stated that they are planning various national and international activities within the club that will cover the triangle of art, design and communication, and moreover, students will be able to make their student life more active and enjoyable thanks to the social environment they will gain by participating in these activities or being a member of the club and taking part in various organizations.

Why was the Art and Communication Design Student Club Established?

With the innovations in information and communication technologies in the 21st century, the acceleration of the digitalization phenomenon has affected all fields. At this point, both communication and design fields have gained importance and have reached a much different dimension with digitalization. With the effect of digitalization and the internet, communication has eliminated the time and space difference between individuals and the world has become a "global village". At this point, the concept of design in the globalizing world has shown itself in marketing activities. In the global market where competition is increasing, products or services are trying to position themselves in the minds of the masses by differentiating not only in terms of functionality but also in terms of design.

In this context, with the student club "Art and Design" established within the Faculty of Fine Arts of Istanbul Gelişim University, to encourage students to work in this field before they graduate, to gather students from different departments under one roof, to create a "communication design" culture and to create a "communication design" culture. It aims to produce new projects through cooperation. Acting with the discipline of Communication and Design, the club organizes exhibitions, workshops, etc. that will positively affect the cultural and personal development of students. aims to carry out activities.





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