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 New Publish from Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department research assistant Eda Çekemci's article was published in the special issue of SineFilozofi Magazine.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department research assistant Eda Çekemci's article was published in the special issue of SineFilozofi Magazine.

The special issue of SineFilozofi Magazine, which has been publishing since 2016 and indexed by TR Index, was published in September with the aim of revealing the interdisciplinary structure between the fields of cinema and philosophy. Among the articles presented at the 4th International Symposium on Cinema and Philosophy and submitted as articles, Res. Asst Eda Cekemci 's article was also included, which argues that analyzing films by using disciplines such as sociology, philosophy and psychology, creates a wider field of discourse analysis and thinks that cinema is an interdisciplinary art.

A Look at the Film Through Derrida and Freud's Eyes

Using the disciplines of sociology and philosophy in her thesis and presentations before, Çekemci wrote in her article titled "The Haunting of an Uncanny Ghost: Weasel (Gelincik) (Benli, 2020)" from Jacques Derrida's theories of haunting and ghosts, and from Sigmund Freud's unheimlich article on the sense of the uncanny. She discussed the 2020 film Gelincik, directed by Orçun Benli. The film focuses on the relationship between ex-police Ayhan, who started to live in a forest house far from the city, with Karadayı, whom he met in the forest, and deals with Ayhan's confrontation with his past.

Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci, who focused on the self-other relationship through the characters of Ayhan and Karadayı, emphasized that Jacques Derrida pointed out the importance of the relationship that people establish with the other in the process of accepting their own selves. She argued that the relations he established with his inner others were also decisive. She focused on the theory of haunting and the relationship between the sense of uncanny and the familiar, and stated that ghosts haunt people until they make themselves accepted, and meanwhile they create an uncanny atmosphere. She found out with which formal preferences the atmosphere of uncanny is provided in the film. She interpreted the director's preferences by looking at how the hauntings narrative is presented in the film, both in form and in content.

Click to read Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci's article titled "The Haunting of an Uncanny Ghost: Weasel (Gelincik) (Benli, 2020)". 

We congratulate Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci for her work and wish her continued success.


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