Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 New Book Chapter from Res. Asst. Ayten Bengisu Cansever!

Ayten Bengisu Cansever, a Research Assistant in the Department of Communication and Design at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGÜ), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), contributed to the recently published book titled "Advancements in Socialized and Digital Media Communications," released by the international publishing house IGI Global in January 2024. She provided a chapter titled "Cat Diplomacy: A New Approach to Digital Public Diplomacy Through Politicians' Cat-Related Social Media Posts."
In her book chapter, Cansever emphasized the significant changes brought about by digitization in various fields and its impact on diplomatic practices. She argued that the concept of "digital diplomacy" merges traditional diplomatic practices with digital tools and social media platforms. Digital diplomacy enables politicians not only to reach their voters through the ubiquity of social media but also to shape their public images effectively. This phenomenon offers new ways for politicians to strengthen public relations, build their images, and interact with voters.
Recently, a global trend called "digital diplomacy" has emerged, with politicians adopting a new approach in this field by using cat-related posts on social media platforms. In her study, Cansever analyzed social media posts related to cats by Turkish politicians, examining the potential of these posts to create an attractive image, influence viewers, or garner societal attention. The research employs content analysis and delves into socio-political contexts to further explore this intriguing phenomenon.

The book chapter provides readers with an opportunity to understand the innovative context between digital media and diplomatic communication. Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, congratulates Research Assistant Ayten Bengisu Cansever and wishes her continued success.


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