Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 New Article by Lecturer Esra Büyükemir Karagöz!

The article of Lecturer Esra Büyükemir Karagöz, Deputy Head of Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), was published in IdealKent Journal.
The article titled "Associating Spatial Needs Emerged with the Covid-19 Pandemic and Traditional Turkish House”, to which Esra Büyükemir Karagöz contributed as an author, was published in the 38th issue of IdealKent Journal. The article was written by Esra Büyükemir Karagöz with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seda Şimşek Tolacı and Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Architecture, Planning and Design PhD student Gamze Akyol. In the article, the needs arising in today's pandemic conditions were evaluated within the scope of the Traditional Turkish House, based on the design criteria determined in line with the views of Sedad Hakkı Eldem, Cengiz Bektaş and Doğan Kuban, who discussed the Traditional Turkish House and its characteristics in detail in their research.

From the article abstract:

“Epidemic diseases at the pandemic level are diseases that have an area of interaction around the world. The epidemic, which WHO named "Covid-19", was classified as "pandemic" on March 11, 2020, and the first case was detected in Turkey on the same day. The current pandemic has also changed the living habits in our country and the formation of the new normal process has begun. Living spaces have been most affected by this change. Restrictions and requirements such as the obligation to comply with social distance, the risk of using common space, the need to spend time outdoors, the need for storage and hobby areas have emerged. Within the scope of the study, it was aimed to try to evaluate all these needs that emerged during the pandemic process through the spatial possibilities of the traditional Turkish House. In this context, the Turkish House was discussed with its aspects such as courtyard/garden use, plant/animal care, storage areas, ventilation and light of the spaces, interior-exterior relationship, flexible space understanding, and its suitability for the new lifestyle envisaged during and after the pandemic process. As a result, it has been revealed that Turkish Houses, which were abandoned for reasons such as changing social structure and sense of comfort, preferred to be used for other functions or demolished and replaced by modern structures, actually have a plan setup that can be adapted to the "new normal" after the pandemic and open to all kinds of changes. , This determination, in addition to the reasons for the protection of Turkish Houses, which is the biggest stakeholder of the built physical environment in ensuring cultural and physical continuity, has revealed another feature to the new functional values.”

We congratulate Lecturer Esra Büyükemir Karagöz and wish her continued success.

Article tag:
Şimşek Tolacı, S. , Akyol, G., Büyükemir Karagöz, E. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemisi ile Ortaya Çıkan Mekânsal İhtiyaçların Geleneksel Türk Evi ile İlişkilendirilmesi. İdealKent, 13 (38), 2835-2869 . DOI: 10.31198/idealkent.887550

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