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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Minimal Kitchen Trainings Continue!

With the social responsibility project realized in cooperation with Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, children in the 7-8 age group entered the kitchen for the second time.
The Transformation and Development in the Kitchen: Minimal Kitchen Education social responsibility project, which set out with the aim of enabling children in the 7-8 age group in love homes to meet the gastronomy field and be involved in the production process, aims to raise children's awareness on issues such as zero waste and recycling, while keeping children alive to the value of production. . The project is carried out under the supervision of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezgin Savaş, research assistants of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Ayşe Seray Çetin, Emel Çirişoğlu and research assistants of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema Eda Çekemci and Okan Kırbacı. The social responsibility project was realized in cooperation with Bahçelievler Şeyh Zayed Children's Homes Site for children living in love homes. The second session of the project, the first session of which was held in Istanbul Gelişim University C Block Gastronomy Kitchen with the theme of natural coloring in the past weeks, was held in the same kitchen, this time with the theme of "waste-free kitchen".

Subject: Waste Free Kitchen

After a general briefing on culinary discipline, waste-free kitchen processes, which is the subject of the second session, were explained to the children. Children, who experienced using the lemon as a whole and by using its peels in line with the theme, prepared cakes without removing waste and using decorations in different ways. At the end of the session, the students had the opportunity to experience the feeling of the products they created with their own handiwork.

“Children Are So Excited”

Group leader Dilber Kaya, who came with the students from Bahçelievler Şeyh Zayed Children's Homes Complex, stated that the children were very excited on the morning of the project, that they shared this excitement as an institution and that they were happy to participate in the project. Participating children also had a pleasant communication with the students of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts and Radio Television and Cinema departments who voluntarily participated in the project and supported the works.

The project, which will continue in the coming months with its third and fourth sessions, is expected to raise the awareness of children about the importance of waste-free and natural production in the kitchen.


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