Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Kitchen Foams

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan's article was published in Yemek Zevki Journal with the title "Kitchen Foams".
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan's article was published in Yemek Zevki Journal with the title "Kitchen Foams".

When we say foam, the first thing that comes to our mind is soap bubble. However, it is possible to prepare many foods and drinks by creating foam in our kitchens. In the kitchen, we use many different techniques with a scientific background, knowingly or unknowingly. One of them is foam. If we were to ask what is foam. In fact, foam is when a large number of gas bubbles are trapped or entrapped in a liquid or solid. Throughout history, mousse has taken place in kitchens in many different forms such as meringue and whipped cream. And again, the most commonly used foam types as kitchen foam are whipped cream, mousse, soufflé and cappuccino.

Today's chefs make light sauces or purées using their whisk siphons to aerate liquids. These sauces offer unusual textures and flavors. These sauces, often called mousse, are more commonly used in professional kitchens. However, we are unlikely to use these techniques in our kitchens. However, we can still prepare foams that are very good and attractive in the kitchen. I think it is better to open this issue.

Tips for Making Foam

The trick to creating foam in professional or home kitchens is to add a gas or air to the mixture for good ventilation of the product. In home kitchens, foam is usually created by adding air into the mixture. This is achieved by adding, whisking and mixing well and accurately.

The foams made should be thick and dense enough to hold their shape and maintain itself. In order for the foam to hold its shape for a certain period of time, there must be some kind of thickening agent in the prepared liquid mixture. Butter, cream or powdered gelatin can be used as a thickener or gelling agent. When preparing hot foam, the best thickeners are butter or starch. It is also very important to make sure that the liquid is not too hot and that the perfect temperature is between 50°C and 65°C. Oil may be required to fix the shape of the cold foams. If we want to make dairy-free foam, we necessarily use gelatin to keep the foam intact.

Types of Foam Used Too Much in the Kitchen

Foams used in the kitchen can simply be divided into liquid and solid foams. The best examples of liquid foams are egg white foam, milk foams and whipped cream. An example of solid foam is marshmallows.

Let's open the egg white foam, which will be the most useful for us.

Egg White Foam

Egg white consists of water, protein, small amounts of minerals and sugar. When the eggs are beaten, they take in air. As it is whipped, the structure of the proteins is disrupted. Thus, parts of the protein that like and dislike water are revealed. Air gets into the proteins. We, too, observe the formation of foam as we whisk.

Yes, keep up the tricks,

How to Prepare Quality Egg White Foam?

Egg white foams faster at room temperature. In other words, we have to leave the egg that we take out of the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Extra heat during mixing can weaken the foams due to their protein structure. In general, whipping time increases the foaming of the proteins. However, intense whipping is the biggest obstacle to the foam's stability. Because the bubbles can get smaller due to excessive whipping. Vigorous excessive mixing breaks the protein bonds in the foam structure, causing air to escape. This causes volume loss in the foam.

In order to make the egg white foam more stable, we have to bind the proteins together. This would be much better in a copper pot, too. Egg whites whisked in a copper bowl form solid protein structures. However, by squeezing a few drops of lemon juice, we can help the proteins to make more bonds, that is, to form a solid structure
What Else Can We Do to Make the Egg White Foam Stronger?

We can use sugar. During preparation, we can add one or a few teaspoons of granulated sugar to the mixture, depending on the situation. Thus, sugar helps maintain the structure of proteins. As a result, we can obtain a smooth and stable foam that does not collapse. However, you should not overdo the sugar. Excess can reduce protein degradation and reduce foam volume. On the other hand, since sugar binds excess water, it strengthens the structure of the foam.

We can use salt. If we add a pinch of salt to the prepared mixture, it helps to open the proteins during the first foaming and supports the formation of foam. However, if we do not adjust the amount of salt well, the proteins weaken and a solid foam does not form.
Finally, I think it's good to say this. We should use a clean bowl while whisking. We must also separate the egg white from the yolk very well. Because the yolk contains fat. Even a small amount of oil can prevent foam formation from egg whites.

Stay well…


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