Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Istanbul Gelişim University Introduced the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) to Beylikdüzü Gökkuşağı College

An inspiring demo course in the field of interior architecture and design was organized for students at Beylikdüzü Gökkuşağı College by Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu, one of the faculty members of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF). While the event offered students a broad perspective, it discussed the basics and practical steps of interior architecture education in detail.
Under the leadership of Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu, Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) hosted the professors and students of Beylikdüzü Gökkuşağı College. During this visit, the curriculum of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) and the skills it aims to provide to students were discussed in detail.
Within the scope of Design Studio courses, topics such as the importance of land analysis, scenario creation process, structural space needs, and detail-oriented design process were discussed in detail. Students expressed their curiosity about the "Surveying" course, which plays a critical role, especially in interior architecture.

Student Excitement Reflected the Motivation of Future Designers

The curiosity and excitement in the eyes of the senior high school students who attended the demo course organized by Istanbul Gelişim University about interior architecture and design strikingly reflected the motivation of potential future designers.

Students focused on determining their steps in the world of interior architecture and design, demonstrating their potential future talents with the interest they showed in the demo course. Their deep interest in the field of interior architecture was revealed through their questions about contents such as the "Surveying" course and "Design Studio". In addition to practical knowledge, students showed a willingness to explore the abstract and creative aspects of design.

The event organized by Istanbul Gelişim University inspired young talents and helped them reveal their potential in the field of interior architecture and design. It has been observed that such activities allow young people to discover their talents and determine their future professional goals. This has raised the hope that the future design world will have bright and dynamic talents.

Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu expressed her gratitude to Istanbul Gelişim University and Beylikdüzü Gökkuşağı College for this valuable event and emphasized the importance of this event, which aims to broaden the horizons of young people. She expressed her desire to come together at similar events in the future.

We would like to thank Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu and Beylikdüzü Gökkuşağı College for their participation.


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