Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Istanbul Gelisim University Graduation Ceremony Held!

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Graduation Ceremony took place on 19.07.2023 at 12.30 in Yahya Kemal Beyatlı Performance Center with great splendor.
At the Graduation Ceremony organized by Istanbul Gelişim University, proud families, respected faculty members, and excited graduates came together to celebrate an important moment. The graduation ceremony symbolized the culmination of years of dedication, perseverance, and work of the 2023 graduates, and this new beginning in the lives of the graduates was celebrated with a magnificent ceremony.

It was an important and enthusiastic event that opened the door to a new beginning for the graduates

The graduation ceremony took place with the intense participation of graduates, families, and faculty members. After the National Anthem and a moment of silence, Istanbul Gelişim University Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin and Chairman of the Board of Trustees Abdulkadir Gayretli delivered their speeches. They shared anecdotes and encouraging words to remind graduates of the limitlessness of future possibilities.
After the speeches, the graduates of each department were called to the stage one by one to the applause of the whole hall, and the graduates were congratulated by the Dean, Deputy Deans, and Faculty Members. After the cap-throwing ceremony, the graduates left the ceremony knowing that the bonds formed during their time at the university and the knowledge gained will be the foundation of their future. Istanbul Gelişim University Graduation Ceremony was an important and enthusiastic event that opened the door to a new beginning for graduates.

Again, we congratulate all our graduates and wish them success in their careers.


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