Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Interview with Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) Department Student Berfu Özcan!

We talked with Berfu Özcan, a 2nd year student at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English), about her student life, TÜBİTAK project and future plans.
• Hello Berfu, thank you for accepting the interview offer. First of all, can we get to know you a little bit, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hello, thank you for your interview offer. If I talk about myself, my name is Berfu Özcan. I am currently a second-year student at Istanbul Gelişim University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) with a full scholarship. I am the president of the MUN club that I newly founded at our school. As can be seen from my activity at school, I love socializing and communicating with people.

• What was your reason for choosing the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English)?

I have two older sisters who are much older than me, and I have always witnessed their educational life closely. When they studied more quantitative departments, I realized that I should get into a social profession where I meet people's wishes and needs. This was my epiphany in wanting a social profession. The other and most important factor is my passion and excitement for producing since my childhood. Being able to reflect my own aesthetic and artistic perception in this profession motivates me incredibly.

• What excites and intrigues you most in the field of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design?

The idea of leaving my mark in people's living spaces, where they spend the most time, is what motivates me the most. What we do as interior designers is to improve people's quality of life and make them happier in the spaces they live in. In addition, preparing the space not only from an aesthetic perspective but also from an ergonomic and functional perspective is quite challenging and tiring, but I think it is worth the whole process to see that you have satisfied your customer at the end of the day. In addition, the fact that it is an ever-changing and evolving field makes creativity unlimited.

• Let's talk about the TÜBİTAK 2209A Student Project. Congratulations on your acceptance. How did the project start, what did you do and how is the process progressing now?

Thank you. Our project is to identify the elements that are difficult while learning the building elements, model them in 3D, and use them as educational materials. I am very happy to take part in such a project because I know where I have difficulties and I can reflect this on the project. Our story of starting the project is as follows; I and my other 2 friends wanted to take part in a Tübitak project, but no topic was completely satisfactory to us. I wanted a project that would not only be theoretical but where we could prove that our research worked. Meanwhile, we heard that our advisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Enver Tatlısu was looking for students for this project, and that's how we got involved in the project. Our project is currently in the phase of identifying building elements that are difficult to learn. Since we are a busier department than usual, the process is moving a little slower, but we are progressing at every stage with ease. I hope the rest of our project will be useful and go as we wish.

• Finally, what kind of career is in your plans?

In my plans, I aim to develop my career as an interior designer by participating in comprehensive and diverse projects. These projects may include different types of projects such as residential design, commercial spaces, offices, and public spaces. An important goal of mine is to understand the design approach of different cultures and conduct studies in this context to gain an international perspective. With the help of studying English, I want to follow global design trends and gain experience in this field by taking part in international projects. At the same time, I want to improve my ability to use digital design tools and innovative technologies effectively, considering the role of technology in interior architecture and environmental design. This will allow me to make design processes more efficient and creative. In the long term, I have the dream of leading projects that reflect my design vision and values, perhaps by establishing my interior architecture firm. However, I plan to adapt flexibly to changes and opportunities in the industry, always being open to learning and growing. While doing all this, one of my biggest dreams is to be the creative director of a concert stage. I would love to contribute to the decor, which is an important part of the show.

We would like to thank our student Berfu Özcan for this enjoyable interview and wish her success in her career.


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