Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Students Had Their First Construction Site Experience!

A technical trip was held within the scope of “IMI224 Building and Construction I” and “ICM255 Building and Construction Knowledge I” courses of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Departments.
Building and design studio of sophomore students who take the course within the scope of IMI224 Building and Construction I” and “ICM255 Building and Construction Knowledge I” courses of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture & Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Departments. The “Technical Site Trip”, which aims to provide the opportunity to see the drawings they have made within the scope of (project) courses, in the construction site environment, was held on Tuesday, 08.11.2022, between 09.30-12.30 in Pelican Hill Houses in Büyükçekmece, in collaboration with Art Kafası Architecture Office. Its organization was organized by Deputy Head of Interior Architecture Department Lecturer Minel Kurtuluş took part in the technical tour, Inst. See. Tuğba Fazlıağaoğlu and a total of sixty-four (64) students from the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department and Interior Architecture Departments attended.

Opportunity to Observe Interior Architecture Construction Site Process
During the technical tour, in which Art Kafası Architecture Office participated as external stakeholder, through Pelican Hill Houses; All management processes including the start and end of the construction site, the smart home systems and materials used at the construction site, the construction site processes carried out at each location and the designs made were explained in detail.
“I am happy to have my students' first construction site experience together and share their excitement together”
Instructor Minel Kurtuluş stated that the second year students had their first construction site experience together and that he was happy to share the excitement of the students together. He stated that during the trip, a lot of information was shared about the construction site processes, site management and materials. Kurtuluş, thanked the Pelican Hill houses, the architects and the site supervisors.


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