Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 He Tells About His First Movie!

Head of Department of Radio, Television and Cinema Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan talked about his first film in the Coffee Talks event series organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Dean of Students.
In addition to his academic studies, Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, a member of the university's Dean of Students, in the event series "Coffee Talks", where students and faculty members meet every week, "How Do I Make My First Film?" featured in his speech. The event took place on the 17th floor allocated to students in J Block.

Doğan told the story of his first short film, Badana, to the students who came to listen to him. Stating that he won the first prize in the project competition he applied for at the age of twenty-one without much expectation, and that his project was found to be very successful by the leading names of cinema, Doğan talked about the production processes of Badana, which he wrote based on his mother's story.
In the event, which attracted great interest from the students, especially the students studying or interested in the field of cinema had the opportunity to ask what they were curious about. Buse Namlı, a third year student of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, who participated in the event, stated that it was very enjoyable and informative to listen to the conditions under which a first film was made.

“Don't be afraid to experiment”

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan made suggestions to students who wanted to shoot films based on their experiences. Doğan, who shared both the disciplinary difficulty of the process and the pleasure of production with the students, emphasized that they should not hesitate to experiment, produce and apply to competitions, and emphasized that they should display a participatory attitude.

The event ended after a question and answer session with the students.

You can follow the announcements made on the official social media accounts of the University and the Dean of Students to get news about the Coffee Talks events that are held every week by the Dean of Students.


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