Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Happy Ending in Special Education Cinema Days Project

The Special Education Cinema Days project, organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department, was completed with the third session held on October 5th, 2022.
With the social responsibility project, which started with the first session in July and implemented with the cooperation of Istanbul Gelişim University and Samyeli Private Education Institutions, it was aimed that special education students have a cinema experience and enter social interactive environments. In the project, the message “Cinema Against Barriers” was given in three different sessions with three different special education groups. Special students with Down Syndrome attended the first session held on July 26, 2022, while special students aged 0-6 attended the second session held on September 29, 2022. The third phase of the project was held on October 5, 2022 with a mixed special education group. Deputy Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezgin Savaş supervised the project, Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp and Department of Radio, Television and Cinema Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik undertook the execution of the project. The third of the events started with the opening speeches of Saltik.

Plaque Presentation for Project Stakeholder

Before the movie screening, Saltik thanked Samyeli Private Education Institutions for their cooperation in the social responsibility project and presented their plaques. After the plaque was presented, the movie was screened and the Madagascar animated movie was watched with the mixed special education group. After the film, which was watched with great interest by the participants, speeches were made about the film.

IGU FAF is Pleased to Complete Another Social Responsibility Project

After the completion of the third phase, the social responsibility project "Special Education Cinema Days" came to an end. Stating that they are happy to have completed another social responsibility project, Saltik thanked the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the faculty members of the Radio, Television and Cinema Department for their support in the project. Stating that they have plans to meet with many stakeholders again for different projects in the future, Saltik expressed her excitement for the new social responsibility projects to be realized in the future.


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