Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Get to Know the Graphic Design department

Graphic design, positioned at the heart of creative industries, blends aesthetic sensibility with technical skills. The Graphic Design Department offers students a combined education in traditional art disciplines and digital technologies, preparing them to become the visual communication professionals of the future.

The department aims to equip students with a broad range of skills. Education spans various fields, from logo design to user interface design. Alongside theoretical knowledge, students gain practical experience through projects and internships, providing them with opportunities to engage with real-world challenges.

Admission to the department does not require advanced drawing skills, allowing students with different creative potentials to pursue education in this field. Students are also guided to develop awareness in areas such as ethics, sustainability, and social responsibility, encouraging them to create designs that contribute to the visual and cultural landscape of society.

The Graphic Design Department offers graduates a wide array of career opportunities, nurturing them to become innovative individuals who create impactful and pioneering projects.


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