Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 From Theory to Practice: Architectural Technical Drawing Workshops Have Started!

A series of workshops aimed at reinforcing the architectural technical drawing knowledge acquired by the department students in the first year has started by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design.
Within the scope of the "ICM255 Building and Construction Knowledge I (Yapı ve Konstrüksiyon Bilgisi I)" course of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, which aims to convey the basics of architectural technical drawing to the students who take the course and reinforce the knowledge gained by the students in the past years. Technical Drawing Workshop” was held on Monday, November 7, 2022, between 12.30-14.00, at the 14th floor design studio of IGU Block K (Development Tower). Approximately 40 (forty) Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department students attended the workshop, which was conducted by Lecturer Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak.

In the event, which constitutes the first stage of the workshop series, first of all, students were informed about scale drawing. It was mentioned how the equivalent of the actual measurement in 1/1, 1/10, 1/20 and 1/50 scales should be transferred to the paper with a level of detail. Then, how to draw a sample plan, axis lines, column and wall layouts at 1/50 scale, was explained with reference to line thickness and continuity. Finally, the details of the opening/closing window drawing in the interior were explained practically with tricks. Participating students were shown practically what kind of perimeter a sample interior would have at 1/50 scale.

“It's Our Proud To Be Helpful For Our Students To Develop Themselves Professionally”

Lecturer Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak stated that she is happy for the interest shown by the students to the workshop held for the second year students of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. Urmak emphasized that it is a source of pride for students to show that they can apply to instructors in every field they feel lacking in order to better equip themselves, and to be beneficial for them to improve themselves professionally. Finally, she thanked the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Head of the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department for giving her this opportunity and always providing their support throughout the process.

We would like to thank Lecturer Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak for the valuable information she conveyed to our students.


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