Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Firehead Soup Event with Forest Tastes in the Sauces and Soups Class!

Open-air soup cooking event was held with “Forest Tastes” in Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts department!
Open-air soup cooking event was held with “Forest Tastes” in Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts department!

With the participation of Çağatay Mutlu and Murat Akay, the founders of the “Forest Tastes” page in Lecturer Çağkan Güner's “GMS321 Sauces and Soups” course at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, “Firehead” Soup” event was held. The event was held on December 26 in the garden of Block G. In the activity held within the scope of the lesson, the participants shared their camp stories with our 3rd and 4th grade students and made soup application.

Within the scope of the sample soup application, a special mechanism was established first. The fire was lit without touching the ground, preventing damage to the grass and the surroundings. While waiting for the fire to reach the desired consistency, Akay and Mutlu shared their camping memories with the students. Students who wanted to camp asked the participants what they were curious about. On the other hand, the cleaning and preparation of the materials for the tripe soup and head soup to be cooked was done in the kitchen. The cleaned materials were left to be cooked on an open fire. While the soups were cooking, the students benefited from the experiences of the guests. The guests shared their growth processes with the students on social media and gave advice. After the pleasant conversation, the students who participated in the event tasted the tripe and head soup.

Enjoying Marshmallows by the Fire

While waiting for the soups to cook, the students had fun by frying the marshmallows on the skewered sticks by the fire.

We would like to thank Çağatay Mutlu and Murat Akay for sharing their valuable knowledge and experience with our students.


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