Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Final Jury Excitement in Design Studio I Class!

The 2nd year students of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) experienced the excitement of the interim jury within the scope of the Design Studio I course. Lecturer Büşra Babacan, Lecturer İbrahim Erol and Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı joined the final jury as guest jury members.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) Department 2nd year students exhibited their projects to the interim jury members within the scope of the Design Studio I course conducted by Lecturer Serenay İnceoğlu. Students who were expected to make housing projects were asked to construct their structures within a certain scenario and to choose a specific design style for themselves. Besides Lecturer Serenay İnceoğlu, Lecturer Büşra Babacan, Lecturer Enver Tatlısu, Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı contributed with their comments and suggestions as guest judges in the interim jury where highly successful projects were exhibited. Besides Lecturer Serenay İnceoğlu, Lecturer Büşra Babacan, Lecturer İbrahim Erol, Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı contributed with their comments and suggestions as guest judges in the final jury where highly successful projects were exhibited.

"Enjoyable Project Presentations"

Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı, who was the guest of the final jury, where a group of 20 students exhibited their projects, talked about the projects he described as "quite successful and enjoyable" and underlined that it was obvious that the students put a lot of effort throughout the semester. Noting that he has encountered projects that are very good and that point to much better ones in the future, Dallı said, “Although they are definitely the first projects, we have seen projects that have obviously been made with interest and enthusiasm. Technically, of course, there were points that needed improvement. However, it was a promising and enjoyable jury for future classes and projects," and thanked all the students who participated in the jury, guest lecturers and the course's instructor, Lecturer Serenay İnceoğlu.

We congratulate Lecturer Serenay İnceoğlu and the students who exhibited their projects and wish them continued success.


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