Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 EXHIBITION: “Time Must Change”

The exhibition titled “Time Must Change”, which was opened in Pera Museum on December 13 can be visited until March 17, 2019. The “Time Must Change” exhibition, which breaks down the established rules of time and provides new perspectives on the idea of traditional time, calls the audience not to consider time as a measure of season that flows, but as a way for individuals to understand themselves.
“Time Must Change” exhibition which is curated by Alistair Hicks is questioning our perception of time in geopolitical context. The three artists in the exhibition present a new perspective to the concept of linear time imposed by many systems today.
The work of Cao Fei, Nilbar Güreş and Raqs Media Collective propose alternative and parallel ways of lifein order to be liberated from the limited time perception. The exhibition consists of works of artists from three different geographies; China, Turkey and India and contains drawing, video, photography, installation. It also includes areas of different ideas about the concept of time with new media studies.
Time is just one of the issues in the works of these three artists in the exhibition. Their work help us understand not only the external world but also our relationship with ourselves. While Nilbar Güreş questions the straight masculine timeline, Cao Fei offers us the opportunity to have more control over our time in a world where real and virtual reality are intermingled. Raqs Media Collective’s work relates the concept of memory with different experiences and time becomes free.
“Time Must Change” exhibition calls us for attention over time as a way of understanding ourselves, but not as a criterion for our ongoing life.

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