Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Erasmus+ Exchange Program Information Meeting Held at the Faculty of Fine Arts!

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), International Relations Coordinatorship Office, Erasmus+ Office organized an Erasmus Exchange Program information session. Details about the application process and internship mobility were provided to the students. The meeting served as a guide for students interested in gaining international experience.
During the meeting held in Room 311 of Block J, details were provided to the students regarding how to apply to schools where they can receive education within the scope of the Erasmus+ Exchange Program, as well as information about how and how much budget they can receive, and about Erasmus+ Internship Mobility.

Students and faculty members from the Departments of Graphic Design, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Radio Television and Cinema, Communication and Design, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Tr&Eng)and Interior Architecture of the Faculty of Fine Arts attended the meeting.

The meeting, especially noted for the high attendance of guest students, ended with the answering of students' questions. The meeting provided students with the opportunity to learn about gaining international experience and developing their careers.

We would like to thank the International Relations Coordinatorship Office for their contributions.


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