Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Can The Kitchen Be Smart?

The new article of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan, deputy dean of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF) and lecturer of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, was published in the Journal of Food Taste. The article was published in the June issue of the journal, "Can the Kitchen Be Smart?" included with the title.
The new article of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan, deputy dean of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), and lecturer of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, was published in the Journal of Food Taste. The article was published in the June issue of the journal, "Can the Kitchen Be Smart?" included with the title.

As we all know, artificial intelligence has been talked about a lot lately. Artificial intelligence seems to affect our kitchens shortly, as it does in all areas. We call the field, which includes artificial intelligence and robotic systems, smart technologies.

Smart kitchens, which contain all the features of artificial intelligence, which is one of the most important elements of smart technologies, seem to make our work much easier shortly. However, I can easily say that the rapid penetration of these technologies into our kitchens depends on our adoption and trust in innovative technologies.

“Before talking about how smart kitchens will be in the future, I would like to give an example of how we use artificial intelligence, one of its most important components, in the kitchen as in other areas”

Recently, I wanted to make Antep Kadayif. First, I got recipes from different recipe sites as the classic method. Then I created a new recipe for myself by comparing them. I did this in about an hour or so. It took a little too much time, I said okay. I think it's better to take time to plan than to be frustrated later.

As another method, I tried using an artificial intelligence program. Yes, to the artificial intelligence application “Can you give me the recipe for Pistachio Kadayif?” I said. Within ten to fifteen seconds, he came up with a very good recipe. What he did was nothing more than for me to come up with a new recipe by comparing recipes within an hour. So you see, it made my job easier. It is useful to think of artificial intelligence programs as calculators. They do the work that we do with long efforts and paper and pencil much easier.

“Let's take a look at how our kitchens will be shaped in the future”

  Smart kitchens are used a little today, but they cannot become widespread because they are very costly. It is necessary to think that thirty or forty years ago, very few kitchens had dishwashers. But nowadays it is found in all kitchens. I can say that smart kitchens I will tell will be in our homes without exception. However, smart kitchens will still have ovens, stoves, refrigerators, and dishwashers as before.

"Now it's time for great news"

In the future, according to the innovative approach brought by Industry 4.0, robotic systems will replace human power. For example, we or a robotic system will place the marinated chicken in the oven, the oven will recognize the chicken and decide how to cook it. All machines in the kitchen will be in communication with each other via a Wi-Fi connection. We will only have to buy the materials from the market and arrange them on the shelves that the robotic arms will use from there. Of course, if we want, we will be able to participate in food preparation by making the robotic system manual. Of course, all of this may seem too utopian. Finally, I can say this. Very shortly, we will start to see real robotic systems in our kitchens.

Stay well…
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Dogan


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