Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 At Meetings on the Bridge with Aç Açına!

Eda Çekemci who is a research assistant at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department, won the first prize in the 22nd International Short Film Festival with the short film Aç Açına, which she produced was selected for the 6th Short Film Workshop organized by İKSV with her project.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department research assistant Eda Çekemci's Aç Açına short film project is took place among the five projects entitled to participate in the 6th Short Film Workshop organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts within the scope of Meetings on the Bridge. Ahmet Toğaç directed the short film of Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci. It was stated that the İKSV Meetings on the Bridge program is an important stop for Çekemci and Toğaç, who were entitled to participate in the 22nd International Izmir Short Film Festival with their previous work and won the first place, in their search for production support in order to provide the necessary conditions for the production of the film. 

“A Most Valuable Experience Above All”

Research Assistant Eda Çekemci, who will make a presentation to the jury together with the director of the film, Ahmet Toğaç, by following a training program that spans two weeks at the 6th Short Film Workshop organized within the scope of Meetings on the Bridge, said that they wanted the result to be positive, but the most important of all was the experience they would gain by participating in this workshop. She stated that she sees it as a great experience that thanks to the workshop, they will receive training from the leading names of the industry, have the opportunity to share their scripts with competent filmmakers, and that they will actually accompany the development processes of more than one project together with the other projects participating in the workshop.

In the workshop, which started for the development of the scripts of the project, the writing process of the film was discussed. After the files of the movie were shared with the trainers and all the teams, the comments were shared and the first steps were taken in the direction of project development. In addition to trainings and scenario development, a two-week calendar was prepared with content such as production and management practices and presentation techniques.

We congratulate Res. Asst. Eda Çekemci and her project Aç Açına for their success at the İKSV Meetings on the Bridge and wish her continued success.


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