Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Asst. Prof. Rabiya Saltik Appointed Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department

In the new semester Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik has been appointed as the head of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF).
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik, an academician from Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department, has been appointed as the head of the department.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik, who completed her undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education at Marmara University, started to work at Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Radio, Television and Cinema Department as of February 2022.

Saltik, who assumed the responsibility of an administrative duty as the head of the department in addition to his academic duty, expressed her views on her duty:

“I am very happy to be a part of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts. I will continue as the head of the Radio, Television and Cinema department in the upcoming period. It will be my priority to properly fulfill the administrative task assigned to me within our faculty. I hope that we will create new and good works in the future with the valuable faculty members, research assistants and students of our department. In this process, we will continue to work together to maintain a solution-oriented administrative operation without ignoring the demands and wishes of our students. As a result of the decisions we made with a common mind, it will be our priority to build the future with hope for our students. I wish my administrative duty to be beneficial for our institution and department.”

Some of the academic publications of Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik, who has given associate and undergraduate courses until now, are as follows:

National Books or Chapters in Books Written
Devran, Y., Orujova, A. & Saltık, R. (2018). Televizyon Dizilerinde Uyarlamalar: Çalıkuşu Örneği, Televizyon Dizilerinin Keşfi: İçerik, Anlam, İşlev içinde, Editör: Göksun Yenal, Basım Sayısı:1, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
International Books Written or Chapters in Books
Saltik, R. (2018). Consumption Ideology Constructed On Body And Sexualization In Kids Wear Advertisements. In Handbook Of Research On Children's Consumption Of Digital Media (Pp. 301-322). IGI Global.
Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings / Published in Proceedings
Saltik, R. (2021). Professional Wedding Shoots As A Happiness Practice Experienced In The Postmodern World And Its Reflections In Social Media. Pearson Journal International Conference On Social Scıences & Humanities-III. (Özet Bildiri / Sözlü Sunum).
Articles Published in International and National Journals
Kırık, A. M., & Saltik, R. (2018). Sosyal Medyanın Dijital Mizahı: İnternet Meme/Caps. Atatürk İletişim Dergisi, (12), 99-118.
Kırık, A. M., Öztürk, F. E., Saltik, R., & Orujova, A. (2018). Bir Tutum ve Davranış Biçimi Olarak Irkçılığın Pekiştirilmesinde Reklamcılığın Rolü. Asya Studies, 4(4), 15-22.
Saltik, R. (2018). Sosyal Sermaye ve Armağan Ekonomisi Üzerinden Sosyal Medya ve Stalk Olgusu: Instagram Üzerinden Bir İnceleme. Akdeniz İletişim, (30).
Saltik, R. (2022). Sosyal Medyada Nostaljik Hafıza Deneyimleri Olarak Throwback Paylaşımlar. Kocaeli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi, (19), 8-37.
Saltik, R. 21. (2022). Yüzyılda Postmodern Özne Deneyimi Olarak Profesyonel Düğün Fotoğrafı Çekimleri ve Sosyal Medya Etkisi. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(3), 437-465.


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