Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin Attended the International Crafts to Art Congress and Exhibition With Two Paper Presentatıons and A Photography Work

Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin from Istanbul Gelişim University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, participated in the "International Congress from Crafts to Art and Mixed Juried Exhibition 2021" with two different papers titled "Examination of Visual Perception Elements in Space Design Through a Museum Example" and "Examination of Architectural Design Principles in the Context of the Presentation of Plastic Arts". She participated in the group exhibition that took place within the scope of the symposium with her photographic work named "Simple".
The opening of the congress and exhibition was held at Uşak University Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Congress and Culture Center on 14 December 2021 at 14.00. Some of the aims of the congress and exhibition are to examine and present new developments in the fields of craft, Art and Design, to promote studies that will encourage interdisciplinary studies, research and projects related to the fields of craft, Art and Design at an international level. And also to introduce the works and products performed in the fields of craft, Art and Design and to contributes to the increase of individual and institutional recognition at national and international level are among the aims of the congress. Within the scope of craft, art and design; Papers were accepted in the subjects of Engineering, Fine Arts, Educational Sciences, Social Sciences, Communication, Architecture and Design, Innovative Design and Production. The congress was held by Uşak University in partnership with Antalya AKEV University, Karabuk University and Afyon Kocatepe University on 14-16 December 2021.

Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin participated in the symposium with two different papers titled "Examination of Visual Perception Elements in Space Design through a Museum Example" and "Examination of Architectural Design Principles in the Context of the Presentation of Plastic Arts". She participated in the group exhibition that took place within the scope of the symposium with her photographic work named "Simple".

Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin's views on the congress and exhibition are as follows;

“I think that the works presented today are not only exhibited anymore, but the presentation itself has become a work of art. This change causes you to question what art is and what design is. Especially in the works we have seen recently, the exhibition design has been deliberately designed. In my first work, I focused on the types of presentations in plastic arts and how to create them with the idea of ​​creating an exhibition, and I aimed to examine this subject by exemplifying it through examples of different sizes. Due to this study, which aims to reveal how experience and interaction produce original results in exhibition design, I think that dividing the presentation into different genres will not only facilitate the multidimensional evaluation of the work and better present it to the target audience. But also lead to a better understanding of the type of the exhibition, that is, the purpose of reading it.

In my second work, I focused on the spatial parameters of museum buildings and aimed to examine the design components that affect spatial perception and interpretation, as well as the works exhibited in the museum. The visual perception experience of the visitors is also an important factor in the educational function of contemporary museology, and these areas also attract social attention; aims to create a cognitive process for its visitors. The structure I have determined for the study is an old factory converted into a cultural center in Moscow. In short, I tried to evaluate the basic and additional spatial components of perceptual experience, in which visual perception has an important place, together with the history of the concept of exhibition, within the framework determined by the reading of the selected building.
In the congress, which included 69 papers and 134 works with me; I would like to thank all universities, organizations and participants who contributed and supported.“

We congratulate dear Asst. Prof. Cansın İlayda Çetin and wish her continued success.

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