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 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan's article titled "Marie-Antoine Carême (1784- 1833) King of Chiefs and Chief of Kings" has been published

The article by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan, Deputy Dean of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA) and faculty member of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, was published in Hotel Restaurant & Hi-Tech Magazine. The article appeared in the January issue of the magazine with the title "Marie-Antoine Carême (1784- 1833) King of Chiefs and Chief of Kings". The text of the relevant article is given below.
The article by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan, Deputy Dean of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), and faculty member of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, was published in Hotel Restaurant & Hi-Tech Magazine. The article appeared in the January issue of the magazine with the title "Marie-Antoine Carême (1784- 1833) King of Chiefs and Chief of Kings". The text of the relevant article is given below.

In my last article, I wrote about Chef Auguste Escoffier, who was one of the important milestones in French Cuisine's rise to the top among World Cuisines. Another important person is Marie-Antoine Carême, who is impossible not to mention. Carême (Karem), known as the King of Chefs and Chef of Kings, was a famous French chef who rebuilt the kitchen. It left a profound impact on French cuisine and world culinary arts in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries.

King of Chiefs and Chief of Kings

When I say Carême, the first thing that comes to mind is nothing but a success story full of difficulties and struggle. When he was a little boy, Carême was abandoned by his poor mother and father, and at the age of 8, he started working as an apprentice in a restaurant in Paris in exchange for room and board. At the age of 15, he found himself as an apprentice in a pastry shop on one of the bright streets of Paris. This adventure, which he started as an apprentice, fueled his passion for the kitchen and set him on an extraordinarily successful path. He was the first to realize his innate talent in baking. The discovery of this talent by the famous French diplomat Talleyrand was a turning point for him. Under the tutelage of Talleyrand, Carême worked in the best kitchens of France and the world and thus had the opportunity to develop and demonstrate his artistic talents and skills.

Culinary Career

Carême's extraordinary talent soon attracted the attention of the aristocracy. Thus, he entered the service of the Crown and served the French King Napoleon Bonaparte, the Russian Tsar Alexander I, and the English King Alexander IV. He prepared magnificent banquet tables for George. Carême's creativity was not limited to the kitchen and dining, he added architectural and decorative elements to the dining rooms and turned them into works of art.

Contributions to the Cooking Profession

Carême's greatest contribution to the culinary profession is that he improved the status of chefs, especially in a period when they were reduced to the status of servants; It elevates cooking by turning it into a profession that is respected, takes on the role of an artist in the best possible way, and more importantly, is admired.
Additionally, Carême left his mark on the culinary profession with his innovations. I think it is useful to mention some of these.

Contributions to the Art of Pastry: As a child, Carême started working as an apprentice to the famous pastry chef Sylvain Bailly. There he developed an extraordinary talent for baking. In a short time, thanks to his special talent, he began to create artistically magnificent cake designs. Carême developed new techniques for making meringue and innovative sugar sculptures and broke new ground in this field by making cake designs of many architectural works.

Contributions to Hot Kitchen: Carême has brought an unprecedented level of artistry and aesthetic understanding to the kitchen. It paved the way for the use of architectural elements and complex presentations in food designs. One of his contributions to hot cuisine was the classification of sauces, which would become cornerstones of French cuisine. Carême has classified sauces into four main sauces: Béchamel, Velouté (Velute), Espagnole (Espanyol) and Sauce Tomat (Tomato Sauce). Thus, a systematic approach to culinary creativity enabled the creation of the basis for a wide variety of derivative sauces. Today, these sauces, which are Carême's approach, are taught in gastronomy education.

Contribution to Gastronomy Terminology: Carême introduced the new culinary terminology it created to the whole world and standardized the names of many dishes. This contributed to the formation of a common culinary language.

In conclusion; Carême's contributions formed the basis of the French culinary tradition and continue as the pinnacle of classical cuisine. His emphasis on the visual presentation of dishes continues to have a lasting impact on the art of plating and food presentation in modern gastronomy. His standardized recipes, culinary terminology, and culinary education contributed greatly to gastronomy. Many famous chefs, including Auguste Escoffier and Paul Bocuse, saw Carême and his perspective on cuisine as a source of inspiration. His principles and techniques are still taught in culinary schools around the world, ensuring his legacy is continued through the training of new generations of chefs. Carême's influence went beyond the field of pastry and he made his name in history as a chef who developed and shaped Rafine Cuisine. As a result, Carême has taken his place as a monumental figure in the history of gastronomy and culinary arts. He is remembered for his artistic talent, culinary innovations, and lasting impact on the culinary world.

Stay healthy…

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan


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