Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Assoc. Prof. Aysun Cançat's New Book Published by IGU!

Assoc. Prof. Aysun Cançat's "Painting Techniques Encyclopedia" has been published by IGU.
Assoc. Prof. Aysun Cançat's latest book "Painting Techniques Encyclopedia" was published in February by Istanbul Gelişim University Press. In the book that will take its place on the shelves, Cançat discussed painting techniques and gave detailed information to the reader about the origins and emergence conditions of painting techniques in the historical process.
A reference source has been provided in the literature, where you can have detailed information.
Stating that with the encyclopedia he put forth, he aimed to introduce the techniques visually by only dealing with painting techniques, Cançat stated that he revealed in detail how painting techniques emerged in the historical process, their origins, and when they were first used. Underlining that it creates a detailed reference source where detailed information can be accessed, Cançat emphasized that supporting each of the techniques with visuals facilitates the establishment of links between related techniques, thus increasing intelligibility and memorability. Stating that the encyclopedia will help all scientists, those who work in art literature, and students who will grow up to reach the right results, Cançat added that he hopes that the encyclopedia will be a descriptive resource for all disciplines, fields, and applied art lessons at the stage of the correct interpretation and interpretation of works of art.
As the Faculty of Fine Arts, Istanbul Gelişim University we would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Aysun Cançat and wish her continued success


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