Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Assoc. Prof. Çağla's New Article has been Published!

From Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Graphic Design Department, Dr. Instructor Member Erdem Çağla's new article has been published in the International Social and Human Sciences Research Journal.
From the academic staff of Istanbul Gelişim University, Graphic Design Department, Dr. Instructor Member Erdem Çağla's article titled An Investigation on the Use of the Istanbul Metro Logo in the Context of Brand Communication was published in the International Journal of Social and Human Sciences. In the article, the effects of using two different logos designed for the Istanbul Metro service in 1992 and 2016 at the same time in terms of visual communication were examined.
Çağla summarizes the research topic as follows:
“The logo of the Metro service, which is used in Istanbul, a world metropolis with a population of nearly 20 million, was designed by Faruk Çağla in 1992 and is still in use. In 2016, a new logo was made due to the name change of the company operating the metro. With the said change, a new logo has started to be used alongside the circular M logo that has been used for more than 20 years. Thus, the user gets the impression that the Istanbul Metro has two different logos used at the same time. It has been examined whether this dual use, which has been made for the last 5 years, causes confusion in terms of visual communication and a solution proposal has been brought to the subject.
The logo is the most effective visual communication tool that will reflect the personalities of institutions and companies, convey information about the founding philosophy and the services it provides to the target audience. Over the years, companies change their corporate identities and logos as technological changes occur and new design trends emerge. The logo change, which is the subject of our article, should not be perceived as an act that manifests as a company stopping using its old logo at certain periods in its historical process and using a new logo instead. In this study, whether the use of the Istanbul Metro logo, which was designed in 1992 and started to be used with the introduction of the metro in 2000, and became the symbol of Istanbul, and the Metro Istanbul logo, which was commissioned in 2016 by the operator of the metro, Istanbul Transportation A.Ş. investigated.”


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