Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Article Titled “Living in Space, Living Space” Has Been Published!

Suat Akyel, a graduate of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, published an article titled "Living in Space, Living Space" in Apart Sanat.
Suat Akyel, a graduate of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, has published his short article titled "Living in Space, Living Space" in Apart Sanat. Akyel dealt with space in the context of human interaction in his article. Akyel stated that although the concept of space, which can be described as “within the boundaries of the human being”, is the product of the coalition between design, material, and color, the real meaning lies in the story that reproduces within the interior. Stating that all kinds of interactions in a place will shape human psychology and the way of life of people, Akyol emphasized that in the same direction, people will also affect the place they are in.

“The relationship of man and space is an inevitable unity.”

Stating that the concept of space appeals to many senses, Akyol stated that the most important focus is always to rely on intuition. Expressing that intuition is obvious for both the creator of that space and the occupant of that space, Akyol continued by saying, "The warmth of the yellow color we see, the coldness of the marble we touch or the acoustics of the space pass through the sensory filter and form our feelings about the space." Adding to his words that these feelings will give rise to many reasons and eventually create a story, Akyol also emphasized that the real hero of the story, the human being, is both the creator and the living of the place and that he will ensure the formation of his place wherever he goes. Finally, Akyol said, "Even though we experience similar feelings with the individuals we are in the same place, this has never been equal" and summarized his evaluation of the relationship between humans and space with the words "The person living in the place and the person living in the place are people, so the place will live together with the human".

We congratulate our graduate student Suat Akyol and wish him continued success.


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